Heroic Girls Foundation

About Us

The Heroic Girls Foundation is a pop culture-based nonprofit that advocates for better representation of women and girls in movies, television, books, comics and other mass media in order to combat harmful gender norms that hold women and girls back in the real world.

Our Mission

The Heroic Girls Foundation seeks to change how we think about gender by changing the media we consume.

Our Vision

We envision a world where women are represented on the screen and page in proportion to their representation in the population at large. In short, we want women and girls to have half: Half the roles in hollywood blockbusters; half the protagonists in children’s literature; half the screenwriting and directing gigs; and half the spoken lines on television.

Our Values

The Heroic Girls Foundation’s core values are our guiding principles that inform and guide our work with every constituency, policymaker and student we interact with. Our core values include:

  • Equality between men and women, girls and boys
  • Diversity in all aspects: racial, ethnic, gender and LGBTQ+
  • Justice for all.


  1. Hi, I am really impressed by your organization. I work for the Second and Charles group. We operate 40 large pop culture stores, mostly east of the Mississippi. We are based in Birmingham, Al. We certainly share your mission to promote and support more positive female images and stories in the world of pop culture. We would love to help promote your site, either through flyers in our stores, or perhaps you have suggestions. We have a web site…just search Second and Charles. I will ask our corporate and store sites to follow your page. I can be reached at 205-617-7669

    1. Rick,

      We’ve tried to reach you a few times. Is there another way we can reach out to you?

  2. Anyway for people to support/contribute to HeroicGirls?


  3. […] sich auch Spielwarenkonzernen, wie Toys’R’Us Anregungen holen können. Die Initiative Heroic Girls, macht mit ihrer Kampagne #morethancute Vorbilder für alternative Halloweenkostüme […]

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